With Numbers like These, Why Wouldn't You Want to Advertise with AI?
Distributed to more than 108,000 top-tier professionals in over 170 countries around the globe, AI is the perfect place to shout about your business, safe in the knowledge that you'll be heard by the people who really matter.
Averaging more than 360,000 page views and over 40,000 visits per month, we are one of the few business-focused publications that can boast a truly global reach and an informed readership which spans the entire corporate spectrum.
From the smallest SME to the largest multi-national, CEOs the world over choose AI as their preferred source for the latest news, comment and opinion affecting their industry and as the perfect place to advertise their services, announce their latest deals or simply boost their company profile.
Offering a wide range of editorial and adverstising options, from in-depth four-page interviews to 250-word profiles or online banner ads, we let you choose how best to advertise your firm or product, working with you throughout the entire publishing process to ensure you get the most from your relationship with us, regardless of the size of your business or your budget. What's more, you own all the rights to your published material, meaning you can use it wherever, whenever and however you like.
To find out more about advertising with AI or if you have any further questions, get in touch here.